
zaterdag 21 november 2015

james modern

James Modern Terrariums

James Modern designs one-of-a-kind miniature landscapes. His process begins by working with a glass blowing artist to create unique biomporphic terrariums and then proceeds to plant and substrate selection followed by several months of nurturing the delicate environment. Finally, the terrarium is delivered to the client with detailed instructions on how to care for the miniature world within. James has written a rather detailed how-to over on Design Milk today if you’re interested. I find the patience, investment in time, and meticulous attention to detail in projects like this totally thrilling. From his site:
I hope to provide the truest representation of nature using the Taoist principles of proportion and scale… taking into consideration the shape, texture and size of plants against the earth and the sky… staying true to elements that one would find in nature. These miniature landscapes are enhanced within complementary containers. More like miniature landscape design, I hope you enjoy these self-contained environments. Each represents a place you have seen or somewhere you have yet to visit… the floor of a forest in the northwest, a Zen garden in Japan, a South American tropical forest, or a wetland bog.
You can also learn more about his process, and see more of his work on his blog.

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