
zondag 30 oktober 2016

Doryopteris Cordata

Doryopteris Cordata  Antenne Varen

Antenna Fern product photo

An Unusual Fern

A unique fern that first forms a low growing rosette of foliage then later new leaves grow on a tall, upright stem. This gives the new leaf the look of an antenna (hence the common name for it). This easily grown fern likes a light spot out of direct sunlight. Suitable for use in a terrarium. Originating in the rainforests of South America, this is a really decorative, easily grown fern. In nice warm and humid conditions, the antenna fern (Doryopteris cordata) will creep out of the confines of its pot on a rhizome.

Myrmecodia Adventure

Myrmecodia Adventure


Ik ben een echte avonturier. Ik ben de Myrmecodia Adventure. Deze naam heb ik gekregen omdat ik een echte avonturier ben. Van oorsprong heb een bijzondere groeiwijze, ik ben namelijk een epifyt, wat groeiend in bomen betekent. Epifyten zijn organismen die op levende planten kunnen groeien zonder voedsel aan de plant te onttrekken. Op jouw ontdekkingsreis in tropisch Azie kan je mij tegen komen in de mangroves.

Ik ben een langzaam groeiende plant, en vorm een knol aan de basis van mijn stengel. Wist je dat er in mijn knolvormige stam zich holle kamers bevinden? In de tropen gebruiken mieren deze als schuilplaats. De mieren patrouilleren als bewakers door mijn kamers en verwijderen vreemde bladeters terwijl hun uitwerpselen zorgen voor extra voedingsstoffen die door mij worden geabsorbeerd. In de huiskamer geven we de planten gewoon voeding zodat ze net zo goed kunnen groeien. Ik verander steeds, in mijn bloeiperiode vormen zich kleine witte bloemetjes welke uitgroeien tot doorzichtige / witte langwerpige besjes. Kies een standplaats met veel indirect licht, maar liever niet in de volle zon. Geef regelmatig water maar houd de grond licht vochtig en niet te nat.
Ant plant - Adventure

zondag 23 oktober 2016

Horticultural Therapy


Horticultural therapy (HT) is a time-proven practice, and the therapeutic benefits of garden environments have been documented since ancient times. In the 19th century, Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and recognized as the "Father of American Psychiatry," was first to document the positive effect working in the garden had on individuals with mental illness.

Today, HT is accepted as a beneficial and effective therapeutic modality and it is widely used within a broad range of rehabilitative, vocational, and community settings.In the 1940s and 1950s, rehabilitative care of hospitalized war veterans significantly expanded acceptance of the practice. No longer limited to treating mental illness, HT practice gained in credibility and was embraced for a much wider range of diagnoses and therapeutic options.

HT techniques are employed to assist participants to learn new skills or regain those that are lost. HT helps improve memory, cognitive abilities, task initiation, language skills, and socialization. 


Twig Terrariums focuses on the sensory aspects of HT such as touch/texture, sound, smell, as well as the design aspect, in order to encourage a relaxing, creative and safe environment. A cognitive therapeutic approach is used with special focus on gently centering the participant in the present task. Each attendee will receive individual attention, their own container, and all the ingredients to create their own little green world.

The workshop instructs how to make a terrarium, how terrariums were invented, the different terrariums out there, information on the plants we use and why, the basics of miniscaping (miniature design), and how to care for it in the future. Moss terrariums are especially forgiving because they require very little care – simply keep in a shady spot and mist every two to four weeks and the benefits of a terrarium workshop can last for weeks!

Twig Terrariums is committed to exploring the therapeutic aspect of terrarium-making, gardening, urban farming, container gardening, as well as working in the floral arts and gardening industry. For more information please email